New Student Placement Testing

    PLACEMENT TESTING is a necessary requisite for most entering first-year freshmen students.* These computerized tests ensure that students are placed in the appropriate mathematics, English Composition, and reading courses. 

    PLEASE NOTE that the test(s) are free to students the first time they take it.  If you do not complete the proper tests the first time, you WILL be charged a fee by the testing provider to go back in and take the correct exams.  If you are uncertain of which exams you are required to take or what your test key is, please check your portal or contact the Office of Admission.  The specific tests you will need to take are based on your SAT or ACT test scores. Students who have applied as test-optional candidates are required to submit SAT or ACT test scores for placement testing; if you do not provide SAT or ACT test scores you will be required to take all placement tests. *

    *All students are required to take the Writing placement unless they have been invited to the Honors Program.  Honors eligible students are exempt from all three placement tests.

    All placement testing is done remotely. For remote tests, all you need is a computer, ID card (driver’s license, school- issued ID, or a passport) a webcam, and a high-speed Internet connection. The live online proctor will provide the necessary software to effectively proctor your test session remotely.  


    After the session is complete, your online proctor will conclude the test session and remove any remote proctoring software from your workstation.

    Be sure to check your computer system when you register or schedule your first proctored exam. We also recommend you test your computer prior to any exams to be sure there will be no problems.

    Prior to your test session, establish a tidy and undisturbed environment where you can conduct the test session. You will not be allowed to interact with anyone except for the remote proctor during this time. Any interruptions may require the remote proctor to immediately suspend the test and terminate the test session.

    Thank you in advance for your participation and good luck on your test!

    Exempting Placement Tests

    Students may be exempt from placement testing in reading comprehension and/or math contingent upon their SAT and/or ACT scores. Students who score 490 or higher on the SAT Evidence-Based Reading and Writing (EBRW) test or a combined score of 35 or higher on the ACT English and Reading sections will be exempt from the reading comprehension placement test. Students who score 570 or higher on the SAT Math test or at least a 24 on the ACT Math section will be exempt from the math placement test. All students are required to take the writing placement test.

    *Please note that if you were accepted as a test-optional applicant or with self-reported scores, you will need to take all 3 exams until we receive an official copy of your scores (or an unofficial student score report downloaded directly from College Board and emailed to as an attachment), to determine which, if any, you can be exempt from.  NO screenshots.

    Please choose a date from the calendar below.  Green dates will mark those that are available.  Options are offered daily.  You do not have to take the test on the actual day you RSVP, unless you've requested on-campus assistance. Once you register for the remote test, you can take the test any day and any time as it remains open 24/7.  

    *Remote options are daily
    *In-person assistance is offered Monday-Friday through January.  Click on a date to see available options.  Please do not use your SPU student email when filling out the RSVP form.  To avoid record duplication, please use the email address you use to log in to your admission applicant portal. 

    Unavailable / Filled
    Not Scheduled